Luna Connect Blog

Fergal Geraghty

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How lenders can increase customer acquisition through Digital Marketing

Jun 4, 2021 11:48:10 PM / by Fergal Geraghty posted in Digital Lending, SME Lending, Asset Finance, digital marketing, online lending, lending automation, origination software, customer onboarding


As footfall at retail outlets continues to fall and people choose to complete more of their purchases and transactions online, from the comfort of their homes, lenders need to respond accordingly. 

Thanks in large part to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has accelerated the trend for moving online, gone are the days when customers would come into a branch to enquire about securing a loan. 

Now, customers will Google a lender, expect to be able to ask questions via email or Messenger and apply online. In a competitive marketplace, if your digital lending or credit union lending business isn’t able to meet these expectations, then your potential customers will go elsewhere for their loan instead.     

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Brief History of Lending Innovation

Feb 19, 2021 8:12:46 AM / by Fergal Geraghty


Innovation has always been a crucial part of lending throughout the ages. From the very first signs of civilization, lenders have leveraged best practices to survive and prosper in the evolving environment.

From Mesopotamia, to Greece and Ancient Rome, lending has been going through continuous transformation. 

Today, lending institutions find themselves facing an arduous digital transformation challenge. But looking back at the past can often offer some explanation to the changes in the present, and where better to begin than in the cradle of human civilization?

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Customer Case Study: Carlow Credit Union

Jun 20, 2020 8:06:52 PM / by Fergal Geraghty posted in Credit Union, Luna Connect, Digital Lending, fintech, customers


Remote lending provides loans for Credit Union members during the coronavirus crisis

Luna Connect are proud to announce they are partnering with Carlow Credit Union to bring faster lending decisions to their members, remotely, through automated loan origination.

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Customer Case Study: Life Credit Union

Apr 28, 2020 2:51:12 PM / by Fergal Geraghty posted in Credit Union, Luna Connect, Digital Lending, customers


Life Credit Union focuses on making member’s lives simpler with Luna Connect

Life Credit Union and Luna Connect have launched a new solution to speed up lending processes for both new and existing members by completing all the documentation required for their loan application online using Luna Connects digital platform.

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